Definder - what does the word mean?

What is lovelocked?

Lovelock syndrome is a fictional illness for a person stuck feeling a strong amount of love or infatuation for a person/thing for a long period of time and can't seem to move on from the emotion

Person 1: I can't get this person out my head, Im just in love

Person 2: might be lovelock syndrome

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lovelocked - meme gif

lovelocked meme gif

lovelocked - video


Lovelocked - what is it?

The ultimate demon god. Also a mind fuck.

Reasons for insta fail:
1) Invincible
2) Older than time
3) Better hair
4) Ultimate weapon
5) Lives in Hell and drinks tea

Damn it, why are you such a Penaire Lovelock?

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What does "lovelocked" mean?

When you lovelock your partner and simultaneously force feed them Arby's

I need 20 beef n cheddars my girls hurting for a Texas lovelock

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Lovelocked - what does it mean?

when your 'mollylovelocking' it basically means your being a bad bitch and nobody can top you

"omg u beefed ... your a molly lovelock"

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Lovelocked - meaning

A bunch of lightly coloured pubes all sitting together in the urinal

colonel lovelock is on gaurd today

after seeing a whole bunch of freshly scratched blond or ginger pubes in the toilet

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Lovelocked - definition

a chubby brown haired school kid who dyes there hair blonde. Is also incredibly camp

lovelock i hate you

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Lovelocked - slang

Someone who excells in the art of 'Lovelocking' paperwork, basically constantly looses important paperwork/important objects, espescially just before they are needed.

Have you got that sheet with the serial numbers on it for this kit John?
*10 mins later after evryone in the office is looking for it*
You've Fucking lovelocked it ain't you John.

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Being so in love with someone, it’s hard to let them go. No matter what they do, you are head over heals for them.

β€œYou do realize that he cheated on you.. right?”

β€œI don’t care! He has me lovelocked!”

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The act of putting your partner in a chock hold during doggy style or when they are face down.

I walked in on my dad lovelocking my mom

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"sprung" ; the act of being in love with someone so much that you wouldn't cheat on them ; faithfulness.

"omg tina guess what?!"


"jimmy has me lovelocked!"

"awww yay!"

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