Definder - what does the word mean?

What is love Story?

Women who believe "love" is like it is in the movies. They believe men are romantic and compassionate and will give their lives for their women.

Men do not posses these abilities or thoughts. They are not thinking about you and your feelings constantly.

Q: Will you love me like The Notebook?

A: No, it's not possible to love someone like that. Don't watch those kinds of movies...they give you Love Story Complex!

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love Story - video


Love Story - what is it?

When your first love is dating your cousin

My first girlfriend was dating my cousin so yeah i suppose that is a pewamo love story

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What does "love Story" mean?

A private story on Snapchat that talks about your Current relationship or past relationship that turned out to actually be good and not shitty.

β€œYooo did you see Mya’s Cinderella Love Story ?, It was mad cute”

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Love Story - what does it mean?

A snapchat story where you show who made you say fuck love.

Mainly a private story

Hey add me to your Fuck Love Story I wanna know who hurt you

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Love Story - meaning

A private story on snapchat where you spill about your past relationships and people you talked to.

"guys make sure you add me to your hood love story"

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Love Story - definition

People on Snapchat putting their business out telling the story of how their ex cheated or did them wrong in anyway.

Hood love story is another way of exposing

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Love Story - slang

A snap private story where you talk about past friendships which didn’t last, how it all ended

Did You See That Friend Love Story

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Love Story

A good love story is a private story on Snapchat that people screenshot to be added to. In the story the person talks about every person they’ve ever dated, talked to, wanted, or wanted them. Some even exposed people

β€œYo did you see Larry’s hood love story”
β€œYeah that shi was wild, can’t believe he posted her nudes”

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Love Story

A snap story where you talk about past relationships and who you talked to in the past and how that all ended

Add me to your hood love story priv I wanna see what happened

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Love Story

when you find the one person you can't live without. your soul mate that thinks of you and only you. and sometimes, when you are talking to each other, you say the same thing without knowing it. when you are separated, you feel so empty inside. when you can trust them in an situation. and when it comes to life or death, you would rather die and not them.

i am living the love story now. my boyfriend and i are in love and no matter what we just want to be together.

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