Definder - what does the word mean?

What is lollersk8s?

when you laugh so rediculously hard you start crying and just start flailing. to the point where you try to bite your ear in laughter. there is absolutely no stop to this

little johnny was riding his bike when he saw a squirrel riding a skateboard and he feel to the ground having a lollersk8ing fit

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lollersk8s - video


Lollersk8s - what is it?

Rollerskates that make you laugh.

Hey, enjoying those Lollersk8?
I can't skate!


Does he have insurance?
I think we better go!

👍37 👎73

What does "lollersk8s" mean?

An idiotic newb would use this. It's another way of expressing laughter.


👍31 👎33

Lollersk8s - what does it mean?

A term used to describe something ridiculously funny, such as a bunny being mauled by a German shepherd.

Josh: Yo did you hear about that retard that got pushed down a flight of stairs?

Tom: Lollersk8s that made me smile.

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