Definder - what does the word mean?

What is logy?

A Logie is a very bad joke.

ted: What did the doctor say to the monk?
jeff: I don't know...what did he say?
jeff: thats such a logie.

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logy - meme gif

logy meme gif

logy - video


Logy - what is it?

1, An Australian TV Award

2, A sarcastic man with a dodgy Texan accent

I can't believe you said that, don't be such a Logie

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What does "logy" mean?

1. An unforgivable, albeit hilarious, misspelling of the word logic.

2. Also a pretty good name for a domestic cat.

nubcake: your logic > my logis
nubcake: LOGIC
nubcake: DAMMIT
leetguy: wtf is logis
leetguy: HAHAHAHA
nubcake: stfu
nubcake: -___-

"Here, Logis! Here kitty kitty!"

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Logy - what does it mean?

A freakazoid. But someone you love.
They come from a breed of flying squirrels.

Bob: Yo that girl Logi is such dope
Bill: No way yo, she's such a squirrely freakazoid!

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Logy - meaning

Little small young seminole indians

That logi will be getting mad money every month, just bc we supposedly stole their land.

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Logy - definition

A very attractive person who has fluffy bangs and is a fan of turning people named stylie/styles into an egirl or Chihiro Fujisaka


Who feels pleasure from only Stylie Montemorra (Strack)

Zayah: Heyo Supremeo you know Logi right?
Logan: Yes

Zayah: Rad

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Logy - slang

when you get called on in class but you dont even know what fucking class youre in

teacher: ummm, barry, do you have the answer?
barry: *doesnt even know what class hes in* 47?
teacher: no, its pathetic fallacy
barry: logie

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The "logies" refers to the sluggish or sleepy feeling that one develops after eating a large meal.

No, I can't move. I destroyed that pizza and now I have a bad case of the "logies."

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The overwhelming feeling of being too full and sleepy after too a big meal. It happens after eating too much turkey on Thanksgiving, or eating a pizza and several beers.

Tom: I can't believe I ate the whole pizza.
Holly: We totally have to go out tonight.
Tom: I am feeling Logi and I need to nap.
Holly: No Way

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To feel tired or sluggish

"Time for a break. The group is getting logy"

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