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What is litty city?

Something really good like when vinnie gets Viagra

When something is litty in the city it means that u r talking to a girl and it’s going well but then shit happens

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litty city - video


Litty city - what is it?

When something is so lit it can't be contained within our minds so we put it in a city.

Person 1: Dude i just sucked some dick.
Person 2: How was it?
Person 1: It was litty in the city.
Person 2: Are you fuckin' gay?

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What does "litty city" mean?

The shit that cool People say

Aww thats litty in the City

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Litty city - what does it mean?

The shit that cool People say

Aww thats litty in the City

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Litty city - meaning

An amazing wonderland world, where everyone wants to lit like lil. You can reach Little City can be reached by being extra lit all day everyday. It's Litty City people!

Martha: " I wanna live in Litty City!"
Daquan: " Man you gotta be lit to live there. up ya life game up Martha!"

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Litty city - definition


I have a 10 City Tour to perform in September. It's gonna be Litty~City!

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