Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ligon?

Ligon, although other wrong definitions may say otherwise, started as an all black school during segregation. its still diverse. it is located in the inner city and is the ghettoest middle school ever. shooting dont happen, though one person got flashed walking outside, and people have gotten knives pulled on them. carnage was not the all black school, it was ligon. ligon is the best school ever.

man, Ligon Middle School is so ghetto.

👍103 👎21

ligon - meme gif

ligon meme gif

ligon - video


Ligon - what is it?

The definition of super coolness.

I didn't know anyone could be more Cheves Ligon until I met your mom.

👍29 👎23

What does "ligon" mean?

imagine ligon deez is something i say to my friends to bully them.
For example:
Me: yoo bro have you herd joe has ligon!
Them: whats ligon?
Me: ligon deez nuts

Joe has ligon whats ligon (ligon deez) wow! such lovely

👍25 👎13

Ligon - what does it mean?

A school with gifted and talented kids in Raleigh North Carolina. Many of which are in the A.G level of learning. Although an amazing school, most of the white children become black. From the fights in the gym in the morning, the shootings during school, and couples making out while waiting for the bus, this school is the BEST.

Person 2: Nice!!! Just look out for druggies....

👍63 👎25

Ligon - meaning

A middle school located in Raleigh, NC. filled with awesome kids, some being gifted, others being druggies. shootings occur daily & lockdowns happen frequently. Everyone who attends this school loves it & would not leave it for the world. it is very crunk.

Ligon is crunk. Once you go black, you never go back.

👍183 👎2049

Ligon - definition

one shitty fucking school that has decent academics but staff that sucks more dick than monica lewinsky
also you'll find more drugs here than in the allyways of brooklyn

Mother: Son, you got into Ligon!
Son: Oh fuck

👍43 👎31

Ligon - slang

A higly contagious disease. Ligon sounds like a medical issue but really... LIGON MY BALLS BITCH 😂😂😂

"Hey m8 u going to Ligon's party." Joe said

Fukoff says," Who ia Ligon?"

👍55 👎23


someone that don't have a life and stalk other peoples

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