Definder - what does the word mean?

What is leclerc?

leclerc from f1 (formula 1) is a racer from the ferrari team, along with sainz.
boji wants to get railed by both. she really loves him and sainz

(someone) yo boji have you heard of leclerc f1?

(boji) oh my god leclerc daddy waddy omg i love him i wanna be in a threesome with him and sainz

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leclerc - meme gif

leclerc meme gif

leclerc - video


Leclerc - what is it?

Has the most beautiful eyes in the world.Often likes to be nice to people and do nice things for but doesnt like it when te do stuff for her.Plain and simple she's perfect and well just amazing:)

Emily Leclerc "YOU FARTED HERE"

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What does "leclerc" mean?

A fucking handsome guy who will absolutely make you fall in love with him immediately,he’s from the popular fire emblem game : Fire Emblem Three Houses and is apart of the Ashen Wolves DLC,definitely worth buying,he’s sassy,sarcastic,cute,a trickster and often compliments you for being β€œtoo cute” a lot in the game. He also has a bisexual S-Support so guys like me can marry this cute-ass beast. His long purple hair makes him even more beautiful and not to mention the artist of Yuri actually managed to put eyeshadow on a guy. But if you want him on your team,sorry to say but you gotta buy the DLC and complete full through.

β€œUhm,I think I might be in love with dude already..”
Person 2: β€œLemme guess...Yuri Leclerc?”

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Leclerc - what does it mean?

Jean Leclerc is a QuΓ©bΓ©cois singer-songwriter. Until 2006, he was known as Jean Leloup or "John the Wolf" in Anglophone contexts. His colourful personality and unique musical style have made him a star in the francophone rock community.

Jean Leclerc's Discography:

Menteur, 1989
L'amour est sans pitiΓ©, 1990
Le dΓ΄me, 1996
Les fourmis (studio/live), 1998
La vallΓ©e des rΓ©putations, 2002
Exit (live), 2004
Je joue de la guitare - 1985-2003, 2005
Mexico (September 2006)

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Leclerc - meaning

Monegasque Formula 1 driver. As of 2018, Drives for Sauber Alfa-Romeo. Lined up for a contract with Ferrari. Scores consistent Points in a dog of a car.

Charles Leclerc is totally going to Ferrari next year, am I right?

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Leclerc - definition

Current Monagasque Ferrari Formula One driver who races car #16, replaced Kimi Raikkonen at Ferrari at the end of 2018 and is teammate to Sebastian Vettel.

Guy #1: "Have you seen that Charles Leclerc kid! He has so much talent"
Guy #2: "He will surely be World Champion one day!"

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Leclerc - slang

Charles Leclerc is the hottest F1 driver to ever exist. He races for Ferrari alongside his teammate Carlos Sainz and will hopefully be World Champion one day

Hey, do you know who Charles Leclerc is?
Oh my god yes he is the hottest f1 driver and is so talented

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The act of a sexual nature in which you are having anal with your counterpart and proceed to exit his or her anal cavity, drench your member in maple syrup and have him or her perform fellatio on said penis.

Aw, dude. I gave her such a crazy night.
Oh yeah, what did you do?
We did the Jane Fonda, and then the Leclerc.
...Ew dude.

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To take out a racing car on the first lap of the race without getting a penalty.

Pierre: Charles just leclerced me.

Lance: I feel you mate.

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A sexy little nymph with a heart of gold. Prone to oral adventures and mischief in general. A girl who will bring out your deepest desires in a convenient fun sized package. Able and always willing to accept all that you give her.

Dude that chick was a total Leclerc last night.

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