Definder - what does the word mean?

What is leanor?

the prettiest person alive even if her teeth are gapped out her eyes make up for it

leanore is fallons friend

šŸ‘25 šŸ‘Ž11

leanor - meme gif

leanor meme gif

leanor - video


Leanor - what is it?

shes cool ! šŸ˜Ž
shes snazzy ! šŸ˜‹āœØšŸ˜˜
shes dating sweggy and jezomoine! šŸ˜šŸ˜—šŸ¤§
shes miss leanore nell ! šŸ„³

person 1: its ms leanore nell ! plz notice me
person 2: u neednt have a chance... shes already in a threesome

šŸ‘35 šŸ‘Ž13

What does "leanor" mean?

Someone who loves animals and mythical creatures but only eats chicken and refuses to eat any seafood.

Omg Iā€™m such a leanor!

šŸ‘25 šŸ‘Ž11