Definder - what does the word mean?

What is l.i.p?

Lost in Pussy.

Mike spend all the time with his girl right now. Damn, L.I.P.

👍25 👎11

l.i.p - meme gif

l.i.p meme gif

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L.i.p - what is it?

A person who has abnormally gigantic lips
that can streach over ones face.

Damn son, Notorious L.I.P. got some big ass lips!

👍79 👎45

What does "l.i.p" mean?

Live In Peace, opposite of R.I.P.
Can be said to someone who is suicidal

Live in peace, don't rest in peace
L.I.P., don't RIP

👍27 👎13

L.i.p - what does it mean?

Noun / Adjective

A person who has lately become 'hot stuff' but is likely soon to once again become either persona non gratis, or indeed persona obscura.

"He swanned in with Abi Titmuss; how very lee-eye-pee."

👍35 👎25

L.i.p - meaning

Live In Peace.
Used as a sign off, as opposed to Rest In Peace.
Kinda like RIP, but for alive people.


heeeeey, hows it going?
i heart you guys.

👍93 👎45