Definder - what does the word mean?

What is kyng?

The guy that every woman should send tiddies to

Girl #2: β€œIs that kyng?”
Girl #1: β€œYes send him tiddies”

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Kyng - what is it?

A Humble King of your own domain and free will

I am A Kyng In my own Eyes.
I am the Kyng of my Phone

I will Treat female’s as Queens and carry myself as a Kyng

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What does "kyng" mean?

Fighter of life, love and blessings.

He’s not your ordinary king. This Kyng is rare and is meant to bring purpose to many lives.

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Kyng - what does it mean?

Kyng is the thicc negro you want to date. He is super tall and extra dark. If you look close into the painting stary night you can see him within the corner. He is a basketball pro and will clap you in any sport except swimming.

He can't swim, I bet his name is Kyng.

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