Definder - what does the word mean?

What is kodiaks?

People in Kodiak Alaska, who realize there's nothing else to do here but get drunk... have a Kodiak liver.

"Man I got wasted last night... my Kodiak liver is sure feelin it today"..... OR
Police Officer says, "Mr. Rogers, do you know why you're waking up at the Kodiak PD this morning? You were caught dancing nekked at the Mecca" Mr. Rogers says, "I'm sorry officer, I have a rock hard Kodiak liver". Police officer says, "OH! That explains it! well sir, in that case you're free to go".

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kodiaks - meme gif

kodiaks meme gif

kodiaks - video


Kodiaks - what is it?

Trademark. Work boots originated in Canada.

(From Kodiak's website):

"Canada's First Trusted Name in Footwear."

"... a boot designed to help Canadians brave the harsh climates and conditions they faced everyday."

"In the 1950's they introduced the first fully waterproof leather boot."

"Today, Kodiak is still the one name in outdoor/workwear..."


(Both from "Everybody Dies" by Jim Munroe):

"a pair of Kodiaks (being worn)"

"Everything's got a wet blanket of snow on it but I can make out the log we usually sat on, the little hole where we'd burn shit, and feel the crinkle of an empty under my Kodiak."

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What does "kodiaks" mean?

The Kodiak Brown bear is a large bear native to Alaska. Known for its strength, the Kodiak bear was inevitably used in tik tok power scaling/ Vs videos where users overrated the animal, saying it could beat animals such as Elephants, T-Rexes, and polar bears. The animal was later used in an annoying trend to spam comment sections with the copypasta β€œbro don’t know about the Kodiak bear πŸ’€β€ and other sentences similar to this. This word is often used with brain rot terms such ohio, gyatt, Kai cenat rizz, and skibidi toilet.

β€œBro dosent know about the Kodiak bear πŸ˜­πŸ’€β€

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Kodiaks - what does it mean?

One who lurks in shadows appearing only to condemn and crucify.

To inflict impunitive punishment without reason or concern nazi.

One who used to play Renegades, only later to treat it as a bastard stepchild.

WTF...don't out and ban me, wtf are you a Kodiak?

LOLOL - you play renegades LOLOL yea right, last time I saw you was in the Age Of Kodiak.

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Kodiaks - meaning

A total pimp. Kodiak is a total beast, can tolerate huge amounts of any tobbacco. If you see him you'd better run!

UH here comes kodiak! .

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Kodiaks - definition

An less attractive older women who has no business wearing a bikini, but chooses to anyway, who preys on single men at family outings like pools, parks, birthdays. A distant relative of the cougar.

Man that fatty over there in the baby pool was oozing out of her bikini trying to hit on Bryan. Shes gone way past cougar, she's a kodiak!

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Kodiaks - slang

Kodiak is a large island located off the southern coast of Alaska. It is known for is abundant flora, scenery, and wildlife. It has the crappiest weather known to mankind, notorious for it's rain. The majority of the island is run by fishermen and Filipinos. Walmart is the highlight of this shithole. Most people spend their time smoking weed, hanging out at Walmart, or both. Nicknames include: K-Town, K-Hole, Shit-Hole, The Rock, and Emerald Isle.

Child: "Mom, I my life is really shitty"
Mom: "Don't worry, dear, just think of those poor souls trapped on Kodiak and you'll feel better"
Child: *thinking*..."Wow, Mom, you're right!"

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The best smokeless tobacco on the market. Manufactured by Conwood Company in Memphis, Tenn.

Kodiak Ice is the best smokeless tobacoo out there. The other smokeless tobacco companies can't hold a candle to Kodiak Ice.

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a wonderful boy who is smart, funny, handsome, and cool


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the best damn wintergreen lipper out there. A brand of smokeless tobacco that packs a punch.

"That K Bear tastes so good"

"Kodiak Wintergreen is the shit."

"Pass me another tin of that k bear."

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