Definder - what does the word mean?

What is knobeye?

its what you call somebody with a knob for eyes, or looks at knobs a lot (knob meaning willy, not door handle)
or if someone is generally acting a twat

lizzie- what does high voltage taste like?

fenn- Shut up knobeyes

lizzie- what does knobeyes mean?

fenn- check urban dictionary now you assqueef...

👍25 👎11

knobeye - video


Knobeye - what is it?

An insulting term, mainly used by the Duffy of Uttoxeter, Staffs to express anger or distress.

See also CockEye

Fucking Hell, what you drank all the jack daniels for? you fucking knobeye!

That Sarah Mellor is a fucking knob eye, i really do wanna stab her.

Alex Reid is such a knob eye.

👍39 👎19