Definder - what does the word mean?

What is kermis?

When you're playing a competitive game online and you win or score a point, you say "Get Kermied" or "you got kermied". It's pretty catchy and once you say it a few times people will start joining in

"Get Kermied"
"Man, you kermied that guy good"

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kermis - meme gif

kermis meme gif

kermis - video


Kermis - what is it?

The nickname of Kendrick E. Whitley Jr.

β€œOh shit there go my nigga Kermi”

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What does "kermis" mean?

Dutch slang which means "A sudden stabbing at a party". The reason for it to be called 'Purmerends' is because stabbings happen a lot in this city.

"Jo, heb je het gehoord van Sven? Hij bevond zich gisteravond op een Purmerendse Kermis en is opgepakt door de politie!"

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Kermis - what does it mean?

Meaning BAD~
Not Good
Scott and Robbie< Oh NOT Kermy:)

"Dude that guy last night was really Kermy, Megan"

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Kermis - meaning

Very very Handsome man, like's CiCi's.

"Yo look at Kermy and Cici."

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Kermis - definition

Seiman, Cum

I was making love to my boyfriend last night and he shot Kermy all over me

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Kermis - slang

A word that describes ANYTHING. It can mean:
1) good
2) bad
3) amazing
4) cool
5) ugly
6) naked
7) delicious

whatever you want it to mean!

1) the german chocolate cake was so kermy
2) Jan Jon smells kermy
3) that blowjob was kermy
4) ninja turtles are so fucking kermy
5) Shaun White is the least kermy person in existence
6) the kermy asian jiggled his thighs as he frolicked down the road
7) that cheez-it tasted kermy

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Reference to a keen and over-enthusiastic being, but never to the point of annoying, merely cute. Often depicted by teenage boys with long hair

'I know im ugly, but my sausage makes up for it'

F**k off you kermis!

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A nickname for a green muppet frog made by a muppet pig... Oink

"Kermie where are you... Oink"

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Reference to a keen and over-enthusiastic being, but never to the point of annoying, merely cute. Often depicted by teenage boys with long

'I know im ugly, but my sausage makes up for it'

'Fuck off you kermis'

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