Definder - what does the word mean?

What is keisuke?

keisuke baji, a character from hit show tokyo revengers who SPOILER ALERT died for a pointless reason and had greasy hair lol what a baji moment β€ΌοΈβ€ΌοΈπŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆ

oh you like keisuke baji, what a loser LOL

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keisuke - meme gif

keisuke meme gif

keisuke - video


Keisuke - what is it?


Ueda Keisuke = gender.

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What does "keisuke" mean?

a god

mollie: omg ueda keisuke is so hot!
jay: ikr i wanna marry him!
camila: me too
kai: same
ara: i second this
miko: he's so perfect
ayra: god's only child
hunter: he!
persephone: i think we can all agree that ueda keisuke
everyone: yes

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Keisuke - what does it mean?

Baji keisuke a atom bomb that's about to blow anytime.The most perfect person anyone can be with.

Baji keisuke

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Keisuke - meaning

Baji (Edward) Keisuke is the former 1st Division Captain in the Tokyo Manji Gang

Some rando: Yo, who's that one character in Tokyo Revengers that deserved better?

You: Baji Keisuke.

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Keisuke - definition

the best Tokyo revengers character

yo is that keisuke baji !!! isn’t he the best Tokyo revengers character?

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Keisuke - slang

Keisuke is a selfish idiot with an IQ of literally 0, never learns from things, is horny like 24/7, bastard🀷🏽 ♂️

"Keisuke is such a dumb fucking idiot"

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My FD can't outrun an old 86!?

Am I having a nightmare?
I’m the Akagi Redsuns number two !

β€œKeisuke said it himself. On the outside the thing's a normal Panda Trueno, but on the inside it's a beast like you've never seen.” - Koichiro Iketani

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S-C-A-T-A-S-T-I-C ; Crappin' in yo mouth

Gee... isn't it Keisuke in ohno.mpeg???

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Mexican Jpop trader

Don't trade with Keisuke, he's a mexican

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