Definder - what does the word mean?

What is karlye?

A generous person who'll do most things for her friends. Can be sweet and caring towards most people. Fun to talk to. Honest, outgoing, and sexy. Very gullible. Can be stubborn at times but all over a great person. Easy to get along, nice to know, easy to fall in love with.

Karlye - "Hi I'm Karlye."
Jack - "Wow I love you already."

👍205 👎165

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Karlye - what is it?

Karlye is a loud person when you get to know her but then she can be quiet and not talk to anyone for days if she could. Karlye is a special girl that isnt like anyone else she is not very strong or smart, but she does care a lot about her friends and family. She is a PERFECT girl that needs to have the PERFECT person that gets her. Karlye isn’t always on her phone like other girls are she is usually listening to music, sleeping, or thinking (always thinking about something ). Karlye doesn’t really get close to people as much as her friends or family think because she doesn’t want to lose them or something (she distance her self form others) she doesn’t always keep promises but if she does then your a lucky person. Don’t take her for granted, she needs a friend that can stay with her through the tough times and good times.

Boy1: Hey have you texted Karlye?
Girl1: No why?
Boy1: she hasn’t texted me and I’m worried about her.
Girl1: oh she’s probably fine.....

👍47 👎17