Definder - what does the word mean?

What is karely?

doing or saying something foolish and dumb while everybody knows about the truth.

"Man, I got all the jordans!"
"what, you only wear 1 pair!, thats kared!"

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karely - meme gif

karely meme gif

karely - video


Karely - what is it?

vb To fondle,to cuddle, to pet, to kiss, treat with affection.

n a loving touch, an embrace.

caress is read as kares in the dictionary.

She loves being "kares"by her boyfriend

They kares in the back seat of the taxi

he showered her with kares

👍41 👎13

What does "karely" mean?

Karelis is a free-spirit. She gives amazing advice about anything, and is always there for you when your sad. She is always loud and crazy, especially when it comes to music. And she can dance. But when it comes to school, she is focused on her education. Karelis gets a lot of attention, and can sometimes be spoiled but is always thankful for what she has. Karelis comes from Karel, which means strong and worthy of god.

Karelis is thankful for what she has, and loves god.

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Karely - what does it mean?

Gorgeous vixen. Intellgent, classy, wife/motherly type. The type of female that if you find her, you make her yours and keep her forever.

The class president is such a kares.

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Karely - meaning

A beautiful girl who possesses the best intelligence and personality, usually of Mexican origin. She has an attractive body and a charming personality, with a sense of humor and a smile that brighten up any room. She is shy but not introverted, and she has a good number of friends and close confidants. She is not very talkative, but she can communicate effectively when needed. She also excels academically, ranking among the top five in her class and possibly in her entire school. She is the ideal type of girl to date and befriend, as she is open-minded and kind to everyone around her. She probably loves BTS and the South Korean genre of music.

Me: Karely, you were amazing. I cannot believe you scored a perfect 100 on this test. This test was very difficult.
Karely: The test was not THAT hard. It had some challenging questions, but they were manageable.

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Karely - definition

Kareli means ~ that she is beautiful and a very shy person she loves having a good time with her friends but right now shes going threw some trouble and shes sad,mad but she knows everything will be ok and she needs the right person in her life to make her happy like she was back then

1~ that girl named kareli damm... boys she's single and pretty and likes to have a good time (; so why dont u hit her up

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Karely - slang

the sexiest chick ever

That is karee!!!!!!!

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An awesome girl who will always be there for you
Usually mexican
Usually really pretty and smart even though she acts dumb

A little self concious

Not a slut

A great friend and funny and hyperactive

Karely: yess

Me: Are you mexican
Karely: yesss(:

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karelys she is a wonderful girl she is kind hearted with a big imagination she loves be with friends and is always there for anyone in need she loves every one but sometimes forgets to love herself she is one of the most loving people you could ever meet


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a filipino food composed of beef and vegetables mixed with peanut butter sauce which is good to eat with bagoong.

a slang used to refer to boys/girls who are handsome/beautiful only because of certain body accessories but ugly upon absence of those.

That guy is so kare kare, without his braces, he looks like a chimpanzee.

Girl: Look at that man, he's so cool with that tattoo!
Boy: Don't you see that tattoo is just his bagoong.

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