Definder - what does the word mean?

What is kalvin?

The finest kindst funniest human you would EVER meet. His eyes are beautiful and you get trapped in his eyes if you look. He is loyal and team worthy for anyone, he is strong and uses that strength to stand up to boys picking on girls. He is straight forward and so straight forward it would make you laugh. He is smart and has a blinding smile. He absolutely hates when boys disrespect a girl and blows a gasket a boy touches a girl to harm her or to flirt when she looks unpleased. He is active and isn't much of a bookworm, but he reads perfectly. He doesnt like harming others in any way and is probably the most modest boy you would EVER meet. He is tall and is either attending the football or Basketball team. He is one of the most best players in the team and Is popular with the girls. He plays hard to get and doesnt like dating, which makes girls fall more in love with him. His fashion is the most coolest thing you could ever see, and he is the perfect guy for any girl. He is sweet and is gentle when it comes to comforting some one, and he worries for anyone even is he didn't know them. Some girls think that creatures like a Kalvin dont exist but he does.

I want my boyfriend to be Kalvin

👍35 👎13

kalvin - meme gif

kalvin meme gif

kalvin - video


Kalvin - what is it?

Kalvin: sheer delight. he is amazing.

A boy of wonder.

a boy who posesses; cunning, tact, looks, and insight.

alot of people would say that Kalvin is vain, stuck-up and selfish. in reality these people are nothing but jelous fools.

Kalvin's best friend is a girl of extreme wonder Lindsay.
"Kalvin! wow he's so amazing, there are no words to describe his awsomeness!!"

Kalvin is the bomb dot com

👍55 👎21

What does "kalvin" mean?

something that is VERY cooL...

omg that's sOo KALVIN! (very cooL)

👍337 👎155

Kalvin - what does it mean?

a person who is funny and retarded and sometimes even C-O-O-L...oh yeah...and even sometimes SEXY..*WINK*

wow friend...your so KALVIN!!!!!

👍587 👎207

Kalvin - meaning

A typical proud awesome Hong Kong Asian (note: he is different from Calvin.) He is very talented in academics and surprisingly sports. His dick is bigger than the average white male but he doesn't point that out. He has lots of streets smart and has balls to do things everyone else would pussy out of. He is not a typical bragger and tends to hide his true personality and problems inside. He is a good listener and he will help solve your problems. He is hated by nobody and everyone seems to either be his acquaintance or friends. He is funny and pretty good looking but he doesn't show much interest in girls unless a girl shows interests in him. Outside of school life he is very mysterious and if he sees you he will ignore you and walk away even if you are a close friend.

Kalvin is so popular, cool, and kind but the other day when I saw him and said hi, he walked away!

👍153 👎43

Kalvin - definition

protecting the flame of a lighter from the wind, for another person who is lighting it, usualy with hands or suitable wind protecting device.

Shannon asked Matt to kalvinate while she lit her cigarette/bong
"Dude its windy, kalvinate"
"I need some Kalvination over here"

👍91 👎23

Kalvin - slang

someone whos lips have been compared to 2 jumbo sausages been tightly pressed together

👍145 👎189


a manbeast ..

" w0w evan !! y0ur such a kalvin " ..

👍283 👎119


a gorjes guy inside and out, who'd make any girl proud

i love kal,

👍441 👎187


the most beautiful person one will ever meet in and out always willing to do for others and the best spouse and father of all times and always drops big loads from his giant package, really good with using his "tool" and makes you fall intensly in love extremely quikly and is an etremely sexy manbeast

he must be a kalvin because he screwed me like their was no tomarrow and im going back for more night after night :)

👍479 👎95