Definder - what does the word mean?

What is justifier?

when someone you hate has pissed you off enough to kill them

fred: I'm not guilty
Judge: why?

Fred: he threw his backpack at my face
Judge: not guilty that's justifiable homicide

👍37 👎13

justifier - meme gif

justifier meme gif

justifier - video


Justifier - what is it?

When someone tries to make something wrong right, in order to make them better. In the ways of relationships etc.

John: I miss you, we were such a great couple!
Sara: I'm sorry our breakup was for the best.
John: Why are you always JUSTIFYING BULLSHIT?!

👍99 👎35

What does "justifier" mean?

- shops at justice and claire's for colorful headbands and accessories
- stands and listens to your conversations from a distance
- hair has obnoxiously fake highlights and side bangs, which fail miserably

"damn, she's a justified scenester"

👍151 👎27

Justifier - what does it mean?

People acting or dressing or singing like Justin Timberlake.

Did you see that girl in the baby blue bandana? She's justified.

👍65 👎119

Justifier - meaning

What somebody is refered to as they preform a stupid act. Also when some one acts like Justin.

You've just been Justified

👍75 👎123

Justifier - definition

to be extremely high; justifiably high

"Dude, after that last spliff I'm totally justified"

👍87 👎131

Justifier - slang

The ability to be a total swine/moron/idiot/liar and then when discovered to whine/moan/complain and make out that its everyones problem and fault but not yours.

"My God, I cannot believe it- first he sleeps with his sister while she was passed out- and then he did a total Justify on the situation!"

"I know I stole it, but it wasn't my fault- let me Justify!"

👍89 👎111



Justify Stitched on a patch placed on crotch area of pants

👍27 👎11


That can be justified. Anything that has a justification.

"The Cell Block Tango" from "Chicago" paints pictures of justifiable homicide;

"He had it coming,
He had it coming,
He only had himself to blame;
If you'd have been there,
If you'd have seen it,
I'll betcha you would have done the same!"

👍49 👎21


To be vindicated for a wrong done to you.

John got justified when Bill went lost his dog.
Justified is a past tense of Justify.

👍151 👎65