Definder - what does the word mean?

What is jogg?

A legendary girl whom has had sex many of times she has 12 orgasms a day and hagawo has a crush on her

Haggie:how are you today?
Me:im feeling very jogg today

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jogg - meme gif

jogg meme gif

jogg - video


Jogg - what is it?

A New Zealand Factions player who completely sucks at the game and never fucking sleeps. Another good example of a no lifer and works more efficiently than a fucking security camera on walls.

If you are like Joggs, stop.

Joggs is a shitter

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What does "jogg" mean?

A shitty nz factions player

Joggs is a shit

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Jogg - what does it mean?

- The process of shoving ones dick so far down a partner's throat that they start choking and it sounds like their vocal chords are going for a jog. (i.e. the sound that they make is similiar to that of chewbacca's)

"Last night I took some bitch for a throat jogg and my dick got a major workout"

"I throat jogged my grilfriend so hard that she couldn't speak the next day. My bad"

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Jogg - meaning

A boy, who is the biggest faggot living on this earth. Literally a boy, who sucks dicks 24/7.

That guy is such a jogge, i mean come on.

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Jogg - definition

An English term for "Fuck off" or "what ever".

Pom 1 says: "Can you spot me 50 quid?"

Pom 2 says : "Jogg on twatt get a fuck'n job yeah!"

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Jogg - slang

Big tits. Used commonly by Anthony Marini.

O geez, sweet jaspahs, i wanna suck her joggs! Take your braer off, I gotta get a look at those joggs.

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