Definder - what does the word mean?

What is jiggly puff?

A jiggly puff is known as a female with a fupa (fat upper pussy area) .

He slowly slid his hands down her panties and noticed she had a soft jiggly puff.

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jiggly puff - video


Jiggly puff - what is it?

Noun; the combination of a hand job (jiggly) and oral sex (puff), given during the same romantic encounter, generally one precedes the other.

"Yo I got a jiggly puff last night from that chick."

👍89 👎85

What does "jiggly puff" mean?

Women's Breasts

That Bitch got some nice Jiggly Puffs

👍73 👎39

Jiggly puff - what does it mean?

1. the freaky little pink thing with the swirly hair on Pokemon.

2. the light and fluffy layer of insulation that comes from over eating or sitting on your butt all day.

i.e. fat, pudge, excess weight

"Geez you lard ass, pull down your shirt, your jiggly puff is hangin out all over the place."

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Jiggly puff - meaning

A Pokemon that sang a song that was able to put people to sleep.

Ash Catch'em: Jiggly Puff, I choose you!!
(after jiggly puff sings)
Ash : Zzzzzz.....(dreams of men)

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Jiggly puff - definition

to slap a girl in the face with your flacid wang!

i jiggly puffed that hoe!

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Jiggly puff - slang

name for a mans genitals.

tom has a large jiggly puff.
josh has a small jiggly puff.
susie has no jiggly puff.

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Jiggly puff

he is a bad pokemon he asks for money and is lazy to work. But if you are a girl then you can use it as a vibrator.

Girl: come with me to the bathroom
jiggly puff: jiggly puff!!!
that night she slept with cum all over her and jiggly puff...

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Jiggly puff

a round jiggly booty that sings songs

yooooo!!!!!! that girl got a jiggly puff on her.....look at that thing sing

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Jiggly puff

to write on someone who is sleeping.

"i jiggly puffed him because his stupid ass passed out with his shoes on."

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