Definder - what does the word mean?

What is jan 8?

The day to slap anyone named Alex

You: *slaps*

Alex: WTH DUDE- oh wait, its Jan 8. It’s all good bro.

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jan 8 - video


Jan 8 - what is it?

The day you have to ask your crush out and they have to say yes!

You: Will you go out with me?
person: n-
You: Its Jan 8
Person: ok

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What does "jan 8" mean?

A universe filled with only 8 people named Jan

Homie: damn have you been to jan 8
Other homie: nah bruh, heard dems all ugly

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Jan 8 - what does it mean?

National winter skin relief day(USA). Also a day where everyone bangs their best friends mother.

jim: todays jan 8th, time for some winter skin relief

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