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What is jacob smith?

A lil bitch

That jacob Smith is getting on my nerves.

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jacob smith - video


Jacob smith - what is it?

A man that is funnier then Taylor Stanley and gets the most bitches in the world

Jacob smith snagged all the bitches from Taylor.

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What does "jacob smith" mean?

Jacob Smith is a really hot attractive person. Jacob is the sweetest person ever and perfect. he off limits though lol take the L bozo.

Loser: β€œWho’s jacob smith again?”
Me: β€œJacob Smith is like better than you basically”
Loser: β€œOh. Thank you. I don’t know if I wanna be Jacob Smith or be WITH Jacob Smith”
Me: β€œOkay well get in line”

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Jacob smith - what does it mean?

His name is my name ,too.

Whenever we go out, the people always shout John Jacob Jingleheimer Smith DADADADA. It's goddamn annoying. I wish they'd all go back to their own lives.

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Jacob smith - meaning

slave owner

omg see all those coons with Jacob smith

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