Definder - what does the word mean?

What is itb?

A term that refers to be In The Bed. This is a list of the most attractive men in the entire world! And a short list of women too! There is a list of extra attractive men which is referred to as ITFB (In The Fricken Bed).

Person 1: OMG, Cousin Jackie is the most ITB man in the world.
Person 2: uhhhh, of course he is.

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itb - meme gif

itb meme gif

itb - video


Itb - what is it?

A discreet abbreviation of "in the butt."

I'd totally hit that girl ITB.

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What does "itb" mean?

"In The Butt"

That chick was hot. Did you see her ass? She was a total itb!

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Itb - what does it mean?

An abbreviation for the saying; "Is the best". This shorthand term is used widely on social networking websites and internet forums.

I think Inter Milan will win the Champions League this year, Mourinho ITB!

Nobody watches bbc1, channel 4 ITB!

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Itb - meaning

Inside the Beltline

I need not say anymore.

Where do you live in Raleigh. Oh, yes, I see.

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Itb - definition

Stands for Invidual Throttle Bodies. Can be found in cars such as tuned AE86's and GTiRs. Every cylinder has it's own throttle body. Greatly improves throttle response compared to a single throttle. Has a great sound to them.

Those ITB'S look f00ly sick!!!!11!!!

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Itb - slang

Acronym for "in the butt." "In the butt" became extremely popular after South Park and Samwell brought "What? What? in the butt" to giant popularity.

I said what!? what!? ITB.

Duuuuude! Did you PIIHB!? Oh yeah. ITB.

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itb is what the ravenscroft and st. marys school think of as a fun way to labelize others when really it is proving to the rest of the worl that thye have no fucking LIFE

ummmm need i say more

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acronym for I'm the best.

"Ugh can someone open this bottle for me?"
"I will!"
"No, you suck at opening bottles."

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"inside the beltline." it's a term referring to the people who live in Raleigh, North Carolina. It is where the houses are usually nicer and the property values are higher. It's opposite it otb, "outside the beltline," where the property values are low. people who live inside the beltline are usually of a higher class than the ones outside. Very powerful three letters, because whether or not you live itb or not is what you get judged upon in the Raleigh society.

For more information on the hatred of itb-ers towards otb-ers go to:


son: "dad I met a new friend at school today, he's really cool and nice but....

Dad: "but what?"

Son: "he lives outside the beltline"

dad: oh. too bad, if only he lived itb

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