Definder - what does the word mean?

What is iotas?

Very close to the beta male type but more pompous and arrogant, iota males tend to think of themselves highly and are usually in jobs like youtubers and twitch streamers to gain attention.

They have similar needs to the alpha but don't pay out as much as the alphas do, hence them being lower than the beta male on the male Social and Sexual Hierarchy and tend to be less appreciated by women.

''Whoa, is that streamer a beta male?''
''Nah, he's an Iota male''

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iotas - meme gif

iotas meme gif

iotas - video


Iotas - what is it?

Typically introverted, but highly intellectual males. They will tend to be found in the computer lab writing code. Also almost always found high (on weed).

Person 1: Look at David, he's over on his computer.
Person 2: He looks so stoned, what an Iota male.

👍85 👎49

What does "iotas" mean?

A small local sorority on the University of La Verne campus that pride themselves with extra-curricular activities, community service, sisterhood, and scholastics. These girls are the nicest girls on campus and are also the smartest. They are highly involved around campus and are well known as the sorority of "girls I want to marry." Anyone would be lucky to know a girl from this sorority.

Guy 1: "Which sorority is that cute girl in?"

Guy 2: "I met her doing OWL's. She's awesome. She's in Iota Delta."

👍145 👎53

Iotas - what does it mean?

The bomb ass skate boarding company staight out of MN.

Check my new Iota Deck out, its P.I.M.P

👍35 👎85

Iotas - meaning

One of the best musicians of our time. With a great voice, great music, and heaps of charisma, iOTA is totally cool. He deserves way more fame then he gets. He should be on the top of the charts!!!

Tumble Down
Melbourne Summer
Wooden Skeletons
Million Miles

All his songs are brilliant, but these are the faves.

👍39 👎99

Iotas - definition

(n) crap, dooky, poop, diareah, cornblock, $#!T, or chocolate fountain spalsh, but it mostly means $#!T or dooky.

I dont give a iota if you sharted on your dog.
I will not deal with this iota.

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Iotas - slang

Exclamation, abbreviation of "I'm On That A$$".

Similar to "I'm pissed off", "I'm so upset"

Friend: "How's going? "
Me: "Man, I've just had a row with an idiot, IOTA!"

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A greek letter so small that it is not worth knowing.

Note that iota is now known as i, at least in the field of complex numbers (not the simple ones).

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Members of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc.

The Iotas were founded at Morgan State University in 1963.

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A very small amount; a bit

Not an iota of truth to that tale.

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