Definder - what does the word mean?

What is image's?

An imagined / imaginary emergency.

I rushed back home to turn off the hot iron, and when I arrived realized that it was an imagency, as I had already turned the iron off.

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image's - meme gif

image's meme gif

image's - video


Image's - what is it?

When used as a verb, it means 'imagine.' Used in this context by granola crunchers (who are notorious for using lots of jargon to disguise their lack of confidence in themselves and/or what they say) and by those who feel silly admitting that they can still imagine.

If you image yourself acing that test, you will ace it.

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What does "image's" mean?

Someone who believes they have complete knowledge of a subject or anything who only actually know a fraction of information about it.

Vegans have an imagication because they think they are nutritionists.

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Image's - what does it mean?

I'm so broke I can't afford to go on vacation. I can only imagine going on vacation. "Don't bother me I'm on imagication!"

Imagine, imagination, daydream, daydreaming, vacation, trip. Imagication.

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Image's - meaning


an image

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Image's - definition

Imageer: a combination of image and engineer. One who works with images, constructing them into a desired result or form.

Katie took the photographs Scott emailed her and placed them in our website after working them over in Photoshop. She is the total imageer.

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Image's - slang

The traveling to a distant or calm location when you are over-stressed or need to get away from everyone or some particular situation for a while.

I know you are stressed, but if you go downstairs and take a 30 minute imagication, you may feel a little better.

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Something kids work too hard on to establish and maintain for themselves. Image-seekers are often quick to label themselves and don't give a caca bar about anything beyond their own skin... Will go into super-bitch mode if contradicted.

"Dude! Try not to appear smart or crack any jokes! It might wreck MY IMAGE!!!"

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The overall outlook of a place, person, or thing.

This brother has a nyce image about himself

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a picture, something in your mind...


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