Definder - what does the word mean?

What is icing sugar?

The act of indulging in cocaine and hookers between the hours of 5am and 11am, but only where requested within that timeframe also.

Cocaine and hookers obtained the night before and resulting activities stretching into the next morning would not fall under this terminology.

Often utilised when in polite company, High society or within earshot of the fairer sex.

“As Petunia is now getting older his good times are resigned to Icing Sugar & Strumpets, so he can still get an early night”.

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icing sugar - video


Icing sugar - what is it?

A slang term for cocaine.

Crack head: Hey man.... Got the icing sugar?

Dealer: Yeah, here take it....

Crack head: What the hell? Why is it sweet?!?!

Dealer: Oh shite! It's da cops!

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