Definder - what does the word mean?

What is i'm fly?

The rapper way of saying that you are way cool

I'm so fly chicks wanna bang me when I drive by

👍347 👎111

i'm fly - video


I'm fly - what is it?

When something mad or funny happens, a alternative to saying 'I'm dead', as to not go to hell and wish things upon yourself

Mate did you see imjustbait recent?

Ah man I'm flyinggggg

👍33 👎17

What does "i'm fly" mean?

To be mad chill yo ...

As MIMS would say:

Hold up,
Look up in the sky,
It's a bird
It's a plane
No it's me
Cuz I'm fly, I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly

👍149 👎33