Definder - what does the word mean?

What is horker?

A girl who sucks chodes

I heard she ducks fat chodes, god what a meat horker

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Horker - what is it?

A Horker is someone who wears their hat at an elevated angle for extra aerodynamics but in result makes you look like a complete douchebag. These home boys vape in the school washrooms like it’s the engine room of the Titanic. Another perk of a Horker is having some keys to their shitty ricer cars and attaching lanyards to them and walking like a homeless man on heroin.

β€œWhy is Brock hacking and vaping in the bathroom?” β€œBecause he’s a fucking horker!

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What does "horker" mean?

An attractive female that rails huge lines of cocaine.

That horker is going to do all the blow in the bathroom.

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Horker - what does it mean?

1. A mythical creature that resides along the Northern perimeter of Skyrim usually in freezing temperatures.

2. Someone who is very annoying or just generally unliked by the majority of people.

1. In my adventures of Skyrim i have encountered many dangerous horkers which have threatened my chance at survival

2. Man, that kid tries to be so cool, he's such a horker

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Horker - meaning

A species of animal found in the video game Skyrim.

Horkers resemble huge blubbery walruses with three tusks and large whiskers protruding from their faces.

"I can't believe you ate all the pizza, you are such a Horker"!
"Lisa is such a fatty. I just saw her put down three cheeseburgers like a Horker".

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Horker - definition

horker; a toughor a rowdy

Don't go down to the park, the horkers are there,they might steal your beer.

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Horker - slang

A prostitute. It is the phonetic pronunciation of combining the words "whore" and "hooker".

"Dude, let's call a horker and get a full service massage."

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a HUGE rail of coke (at least six inches)

"i just did a horker the length of my arm." (eyes water up immediately)
scarface did horkers.

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One who horks. To hork is to utter the sound "hork!" in a plaintive manner as in an appeal for affection, or in an emphatic manner as when greeting friends.

My wife and I have become avid horkers, which has puzzled our friends somewhat.

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one who horks, steals.
a thief

i can't believe that horker stole my parking spot.

i stole my stapler back from your desk, horker.

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