Definder - what does the word mean?

What is hop on RON?

Slang for rough gay sex, commonly used by males who are fond of roblox games.

Hey man wanna hop on RON?
sure sny uwuwuwu~!

👍25 👎11

hop on RON - video


Hop on RON - what is it?

"hop on RON is a term used by pedophiles to attract minors on the kid-based game of roblox"

"cock islands:yo bro hop on ron"

"kamerad:can't wait to groom some underaged girls"

👍25 👎11

What does "hop on RON" mean?

hop on RON is a term used by pedophiles to attract minors on the kid-based game of roblox

"cock islands:yo bro hop on ron"

"kamerad:can't wait to groom some underaged girls"

👍27 👎13