Definder - what does the word mean?

What is holy holes?

The three holes of a woman in which a man can comfortably stick his penis in.

You got the holy trinity of holes?
Yep she let me have them all in one night!

👍33 👎15

holy holes - video


Holy holes - what is it?

navel, aka belly button

I want to put my finger in your holy hole.

👍43 👎33

What does "holy holes" mean?

religious or "sacred" vaginas or arseholes.

I need to get me some Holy Holes, I don't need no mo' rotten old holes! Down at the church they be singin', "Holy, Holy Holes!"

👍155 👎35

Holy holes - what does it mean?

A place where Christians can get on their knees and start pleasings Jesus feel his white gooey salvation

I'm at the holy hole

👍87 👎17