Definder - what does the word mean?

What is holligan?

1. A strong repulsion and complete confusion as to how sexual intercourse with a specific person has occurred.

2. Verb: Wanting to take ones genitals and escape from the sexual encounter but being unable to as the sexual encounter has progressed to far.

1. Noun: That bitch was an ugly holligan.
2. Verb: I was about to perform sexual intercourse until i suffered from holligan which rendered me unable to perform sexually.

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Holligan - what is it?

One who posts irrelevance on the Mill, then infiltrates more highbrow blogs in order to have their fun there, as well.

"That holligan just had all his posts deleted on the blog about Jesuit swaffling"

👍107 👎43

What does "holligan" mean?

Holligans are individuals who spend much of their time contributing to football (soccer) blogs. However, these normally mild mannered and 'professional' persons occasionally deviate from their traditional stomping grounds to group, en-masse, and terrorise other online comment forums. The traditional act of holliganism is to take a serious debate/conversation and degrade it so much that it becomes nothing more than a series of football related puns and in doing so, ensure that the most swaffled posts (holligan slang for recommend) are the most ridiculous.

17/02/09 12:04
People say that file sharing is the death knell of the music induistry, but they said the same about cassettes and CDs. It's simply musical evolution.

17/02/09 12:06
As an ex member of a minor indie band I can comprehensively state that, though the internet has created a new market for bands to opperate and circulate their music, filesharing is robbing them of the vital funds that they require to flourish!!!

17/02/09 12:09
The Way Chamakh Me Feel

17/02/09 12:13
Chmakh Me Feel Like Dancing

👍143 👎43