Definder - what does the word mean?

What is hlm?

A person who likes every status update or post you post within a micro-second of posting it.

It appears I have an HLM on my page. Carol is a Habitual Like Maniac (HLM)

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hlm - meme gif

hlm meme gif

hlm - video


Hlm - what is it?

Heterosexual life mate


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What does "hlm" mean?

Hispanic Lives Matter

white guy: alm (all lives matter)
black guy: blm (black lives matter)
muslim: mlm (muslim lives matter)
hispanic: hlm (hispanic lives matter)

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Hlm - what does it mean?

(H)ispanic (L)ifes (M)ater meaning that Hispanic voices need and will be heard because we are all humans there’s no difference between skin color or features WE WILL BE HEARD HLMπŸ‡²πŸ‡½

...We need justice Hlm

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Hlm - meaning

horney little man

That palliative care attending is a HLM for going after the neurosurgery intern.

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Hlm - definition

A text acronym standing for the words β€œhe’s literally me” in which a certain individual relates to characters from films, TV shows and other media, usually outsider figures with certain redeemable qualities.

Bro I’m loving this Patrick Bateman guy from American Psycho, hlm man fr fr.

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