Definder - what does the word mean?

What is hingle?

Muandale Hingle is known to be Quandale Dingle's step sister. Muandale Hingle does really sussy things with Quandale Dingle, such as grand theft auto game playing, among us ringtone installer, and money stealer lego sets.

Muandale Hingle is my step sister

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hingle - meme gif

hingle meme gif

hingle - video


Hingle - what is it?

A baby with a giant neck, stretching about 20 kilometers across its own legs.

Wow, today I saw a Hingle Doop at the zoo with the giraffes! Their long necks are amazing!

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What does "hingle" mean?

a best day ever

Today was a hingle dingle doozle day

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Hingle - what does it mean?

The universal best password

My password to my computer is Hingle Dingle 1234

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Hingle - meaning

The byproduct of a naturally occurring Spengfling infection of reality within the Xeuron Straight. Hingle fibers are one of two key ingredients used in the creation of Joshua Beetles, the other of which being Polynus Putty.

I collected a handful of Hingle Fibers while visiting the Xeuron Straight this weekend.

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Hingle - definition

An absolute beast of nature who's skills on the field are rivaled by no other.

Boy that Hingle Mccringleberry fella is one fine athlete.

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Hingle - slang

Abbreviation for the term "Hi and Good Luck!" used by people playing online games. Also referred to as hingle or hi gl

>neeceybee> Hi and Good Luck!

>nickpickle> hingle

>hondapilot> hi please be my friend! I used to do the law thing!

>alexsmom> Hi losers! Be prepared to die with my incessant whining when I lose! GOOD LUCK!

>SillySword Master> hingl

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The dick of a whale.

"Oh my god, did you know Shamu's hingle is 8 feet!?"

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a round fat object which is very peculiar it hobbles around and has a raging temper it also likes to show it backside off frequently. It is very fat and likes eating cake and pies and the odd human

gangsta1: quick run hingle is chasing after us blud manz is gonna munch us up

gangsta2: ah running is long ting blud low dat

gangsta1: hey manz is gna eat us tho ahhhh suit ur self its every manz 4 himself

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