Definder - what does the word mean?

What is heredia?

This person is the coolest person you'll meet. He is smart, smart, smart, and most of all very smart. He also has nice biceps ;) kaching.

Omg did you see that guy? He looks like a Daniel Heredia to me.

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heredia - meme gif

heredia meme gif

heredia - video


Heredia - what is it?

A person who has major disbelief in he who claims to be divine.

That guy is a Satanist, He's a real raul heredia.

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What does "heredia" mean?

Paloma Heredia is one of the most kindest person you could know and a good best friend.Palomas usually make weird jokes that are sometimes funny and tend to be small.They have brown hair with glasses ofcourse,buys $80 crocks for no reason and always has there hair on a ponytail.

Hey do you know Paloma Heredia?
Of course i do! Shes my best friend:)

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Heredia - what does it mean?

Mia-Grace Heredia is a shy girl with a fiery personality. Very shy when you meet her but as soon as she gets comfy she's BRUTAL. Somehow one of the kindest but meanest person on earth. She is also a midget.

you: hi
mia grace heredia : bye.

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Heredia - meaning

Likes men

Luke Heredia is gay asf

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Heredia - definition

Place in Costa Rica

I visited Heredia while in Costa Rica

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Heredia - slang

One of the most uncommon and hard to pronounce last names ever invented. (hard to pronounce for complete retards) Anyone with this last name is doomed to a lifetime of having their last name mispronounced when taking attendance because the earth is made up of mostly retarded people.

"Her... herd... How's your last name pronounced?"



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