Definder - what does the word mean?

What is hello John?

A sketch comedy group from New York City that known for their ability to make awful material that is still marketable.

Chad: "Did you see the new Why Hello John video?"
Terry: "The who video?
Chad: "Why Hello John, they did the Saxing PSA video"
Chad: "I went home in a rage and struck my wife because that video was so bad.

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hello John - video

Hello John - what is it?

A phrase often randomly called out during silent sessions, such as within a class or a library.
Also used to respond to anyone who calls to you.
Heck, its just a bloody random phrase, use it anywhere, anytime.

1.In a library:"Why, hello John!"

2.Person 1: "Excuse me, sir?"
Person 2: "Hello John."

👍69 👎41