Definder - what does the word mean?

What is heismanned?

Its 4th and Goal and you are mid-wipe about to finish your growler in a public restroom. The stall door abruptly opens due to the fact the door was unlocked, thus causing you to put your other hand out to block the door from being opened. With one hand in mid-wipe mode and the opposing hand giving the straight arm to the door you find yourself in the proverbial Heisman Trophy position.

Dude, I had to squeeze one out before my flight at the Airport today and the lock on the stall door was broken. Someone tried to walk in right as I was getting ready to wipe so I had to give him the Heisman.

👍133 👎157

heismanned - meme gif

heismanned meme gif

heismanned - video


Heismanned - what is it?

The Best new dance craze look it up. The Heisman. "do the Heisman on that ho"

Move to left, move to the the heisman on that ho

👍179 👎153

What does "heismanned" mean?

1. a direct and impersonal rejection of a sexual overture, pass, or advance.

2. a skillful dodging of an impending and usually negative engagement or interaction.

"She gave him the heisman when he smiled over his martini."

"I heismanned my boss yesterday when he approached me about those TPS coversheets and reports."

👍209 👎119

Heismanned - what does it mean?

A women's rejection to sexual advances by a man or another woman

dude, I was hanging out with this chic, we got the hammer going, then she gave me the heisman when i tried to grab her.........

👍351 👎199

Heismanned - meaning

Stiff-armed pose, based on the Heisman Trophy, given to a suitor or potential suitor with the goal of minimizing or avoiding contact.

Sally wanted to hang out and watch Titanic tonight, but I gave her the Heisman so I could hit poker night.

👍459 👎263

Heismanned - definition

The act of putting your hand up when someone begins to speak to you "blocking" their conversation, explaining you have something else to do, then walking away. Best done after you have told that person something that invites a response.

Jerry told me he likes our chances in Olympic Hockey finals this year, he asked me if I thought the team was strong then three words into my response, he gave me The Heisman. Said he had to shit.

👍65 👎23

Heismanned - slang

Being blocked, or not being able to move forward

I am glad to see that I am not the only one being heismaned on this assignment

👍33 👎11


the Heisman is a reference(the Heisman trophy being the most prestigious trophy in college football, see picture)of a boy/ or girl getting rejected while attempting to talk, dance, flirt or any sort of contact with another person

"Damn you hit that?"... "Nah she gave me the Heisman but thats cool".

👍495 👎175


To get denied in the most firm and unequivocal way. This definition arises from the look of the college football trophy with the player holding his hand out as if denying someone.

Shit! All of my college choices Heismanned me! Now I'll have to work in Glory Hole Alley with Nathan!

👍57 👎15


Noun: A rejection given to a member of the opposite sex, a job, or anything no longer wanted. Named after the Heisman trophy, which depicts a football player giving a stiff-arm block to a tackle.

When his girlfriend started getting serious, he gave her the Heisman.

👍1381 👎353