Definder - what does the word mean?

What is head in the gutter?

To stop & think straight with your brain not your head 8==D or vagina ({})

Hahahaha! WTF? Get your head out of the gutters!

👍125 👎31

head in the gutter - video


Head in the gutter - what is it?

The idiom "Get your head out of the gutter" means to stop thinking dirty thoughts when someone tells you to.

My Friend: *thinks of dirty thoughts and says it out loud*
Me: Get your head out of the gutter!

👍173 👎19

What does "head in the gutter" mean?

When he puts his head inside her gutter and changes a metaphorical in to a literal statement.

Jeff definitely put his head in the gutter with Allison last night man

👍31 👎15