Definder - what does the word mean?

What is he-man's?

The greatest (and possibly gayest) hero of the 80s

AKA prince Adam of ETERNIA

He wears a loincloth and wields the magic Sword of grayskull,known to be the most powerful man in the universe, too bad he's too much off a pussy to bone the sorceress, let alone Teila-the biggest whore of all the land

He-man is awesome and can kick Optimus Primes metal ass

👍135 👎59

he-man's - meme gif

he-man's meme gif

he-man's - video


He-man's - what is it?

Verb - To perform a feat of great physical strength

Adjective - Powerful or intimidating

That powerlifter He-Manned 900 pounds in the deadlift.

I might be able to He-Man that fridge up the stairs.

That elephant gun is a real He-man shoulder cannon.

👍63 👎23

What does "he-man's" mean?

as a verb, to ejaculate, whether on purpose or by accident, into the pubic hair of somebody (or your own) causing it to thicken and matte like the loin clothes found on He-Man figures.

I pulled out just in time, but ended up He-Maning her.

👍697 👎351

He-man's - what does it mean?

probably the greatest sexual maneuver known to man. the other definition tells why.

Jake performed the He-man last week to this one girl. Yea...Jake.

👍57 👎19

He-man's - meaning

When you are fisting a girl and you straight arm her in the air as if he-man is lifting his sword.

I gave Kate S the He-Man last night.

👍43 👎13

He-man's - definition

The original ambiguously gay hero. A great cartoon, but strangely homoerotic

A leather singlet, shaggy, but neatly groomed blonde hair, and briefs? You do the math.

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He-man's - slang

AKA Prince Adam, One of the Master's of the Universe. Transforms into He Man after saying "By the power of Grayskull...I have the power!!"

"Quickly, Distroy He Man before me ruin's my plans!"

👍271 👎93


While fucking your ho in any position, a few seconds before you inject the malt, you grab her head and scream "By the power of Grey Skull!" Then as you are filling her up you yell "I HAVE THE POWER!"

Use your head

👍127 👎39


the epitome of manliness, what all men strive to be like

He's incredible, now THATS a he man!

👍177 👎51


A profound, wonderful cartoon from the early 80's. I tuned in every day to watch He-man say 'by the power of grayskull' and kick Skeletor's butt. One day I hope to meet him in person. 8¬)

He-man, he-man etc

👍439 👎87