Definder - what does the word mean?

What is hardstuck?

"Hardstuck" is a term commonly used in the game "League Of Legends". It means that someone cannot get up the ranking ladden and is stuck in at a certain rank. He cant get up and is simply a nub with not the skill level required to rank up.

Example 1: Yo that dude is hardstuck bronze 5.
Example 2: Man you were hardstuck silver 3 last season, how did you get platinum this season you boosted bonobo.

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hardstuck - meme gif

hardstuck meme gif

hardstuck - video

Hardstuck - what is it?

Someone who is stuck in a specific division in League of Legends.

Most of the time it's also called ELO Hell

Dude you see the dude called Name Unkown there? He's hardstuck! Just like Damian.

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What does "hardstuck" mean?


damn rohin is hardstuck

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Hardstuck - what does it mean?

a rengar main who is stuck in Plat.

Example: Name Unkown

This hardstuck niggercat ruins all my games in plat!

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Hardstuck - meaning

Being stuck in the same rank for extended periods of time despite having hundreds of hours dedicated to trying to climb out.

Mate 1: Bro have you checked Diamond Dave's rank this week?

Mate 2: Nah, is he still hardstuck?

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Hardstuck - definition

English twitch streamer MissBaffy, known as Baffy on EUW is a prime example of someone who is hardstuck. 400 games, 48% wr P4.

Have you seen MissBaffy’s stream mate?

- Unfortunately, yes... she’s that hardstuck egirl janna main on EUW right?


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Hardstuck - slang

When a player gets stuck at a certain level despite trying to get out of it, spending a ridiculous amount of time for no return and getting frustrated af.

Mark: Yo Lars, did you check Miron's ?

Lars: Yeah boi, back to Gold 2 omegalul.
Mark : Omegalul, dat boi hardstuck af.

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Man this player is so hardstuck

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Steven Tran

Steven Tran is hardstuck

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When a gamer has played an absurd number of games but still can't manage to git gud

"Dude did you see that guy's match history?"
"Ya 500+ games on garen and still in silver"
"Man talk about hardstuck"

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