Definder - what does the word mean?

What is harambism?

A legend that lived at the cincinatti zoo that was the protector and unifier of the world. He was the only one that could stop the war that is coming.

Roses are red, war is near, we would be safe, if harambe was here.

👍1087 👎159

harambism - meme gif

harambism meme gif

harambism - video


Harambism - what is it?

The act of worshipping Harambe the gorilla.

I practice Harambism because it is my religion.

👍537 👎59

What does "harambism" mean?

A majestic creature who lived at the Cincinnati Zoo, much more than just your average gorilla. Harambe had an immeasurable impact on American culture in his days on Earth, and his death served as a reminder to distracted human beings to start paying attention to put down their damn phones and pay attention to their children. Harambe was a unifier, there will never be another one like him.

Let's really dominate today, and dedicate it to our boy Harambe, who is looking down from the sky. Harambe would want us to ace these tests, and then celebrate with milkshakes later. RIP Harambe, I love you forever good buddy.

👍1985 👎221

Harambism - what does it mean?

The glue that help the world together. The one and only gorilla that could solve everything but was brutally murdered in cold blood because someone couldn't control their kid.


👍3577 👎353

Harambism - meaning

King of the Gorillas, who was brutally killed for dragging around some little shit that fell into his enclosure.


👍5149 👎471

Harambism - definition

A beautiful gorilla, brutally shot in the head for trying to be his fucking self.

#Why Harambe

👍431 👎37

Harambism - slang


I was at home eating dorito when phone ring

"Harambe is kil"


👍223 👎19


My best friend. Some idiot was blind and didnt see their stupid kid go into his cage. Harambe was trying to carry the kid out of the cage but dummies killed him and now he lives too far away now in heaven. He was my bae and now he's gone!!! It's over isn't it, why can't I move on...
He will come back and haunt the stupid parents, the kid, and his killers, he will represent the code of harambe, an eye for an eye, because he will kill them too and send them to hell. He will reside in the afterlife where I will see him again 100 years later because I too will become a legend.
1 like=1,000,000 prayers

I remember harambe, do you?

👍745 👎55


The belief that the Gorilla shot on the 28th of may (Cincinnati Zoo) is truly a being of divine power, or a deity. It is often practiced in extremism.

Dicks Out For Harambe

Guy 1: "Dude whats with everyone saying 'dicks out for harambe' lol it was just a Gorilla"
Guy 2: "How dare you mock Harambeism, You fucking Heretic! dicks out! dicks out!"

👍353 👎25


An innocent gorilla that was killed because some stupid mother couldn't keep track of her child.

RIP Harambe.

👍15133 👎833