Definder - what does the word mean?

What is haida?

An archepelago of islands off of the Northern coast of British Columbia. The Islands are also known as the Queen Charlotte Islands. The islands feature some notable cultural artifacts, such as the abandoned village of Ninstints.

Covered in rainforest and sparsely populated, Haida Gwaii is among the most beautiful places in the world.

I want to go camping on Haida Gwaii this summer.

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haida - meme gif

haida meme gif

haida - video


Haida - what is it?

A sub-species of homo-erectus found in Greece and believed to have very little, if non, relation to homo-sapiens. An extinct branch due to its limited physical potency and rather non-evolving intellectual abilities. Moved to colder climates.

He is going nowhere with his attitude but he simply doesn't get it. It is a matter of time for him to become a Haidas.

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What does "haida" mean?

The most cutest, hottest, and adorable furry out there. Fuck amicus. Haida from aggretsuko? FUCK YEA.

Damn… look at that hyena wolf thingy on the screen

Yea man… THATS HAIDA!! 😫😫

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Haida - what does it mean?

She is the most baddest bitch ever. She probably has a fat ass and big titties for all I know.

Boy: yo that girls hot

Friend: her name is probably haida

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Haida - meaning

Amazing, funny, and fabulous. Super sexy and perfect in every way. Incredibly intelligent and flawless. Always listening and gives great advice. If you have this name I'm so sorry because tbh you'll never find your name on anything take it from me I had to make a definition cause there was none...

"Do I feel bad for haida"
"She didn't even have a urban dictionary definition"

amazing perfect endangered

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