Definder - what does the word mean?

What is gurped?

gurp or gurpin' means someone whos is under the influence of drugs such as crack, or thizz(ecstacy)

Awh man she was gurpin on that pill last night!

👍149 👎121

gurped - meme gif

gurped meme gif

gurped - video


Gurped - what is it?

To drink heavily and party hard with a group of friend or at a party.

While at the party, we will all gurp hard and we don't give a fuck!

👍173 👎129

What does "gurped" mean?

Term oftenly use to mean getting your dick suck blowjob,or getting head.Oftenly given by a girl of teen age as a form of oral sex.

she gave good Gurp
She is a major Gurper

👍557 👎451

Gurped - what does it mean?

A term used for a burp after giving a blow job. Can get a little bubbly and induce gagging.

Did somebody just gurp, because it smells like penis in here.

👍661 👎437

Gurped - meaning

Generic Universal RolePlaying System

1. Call of Cthulhu is the best of the GURPS
2. I don't care, just fix my computer

👍123 👎53

Gurped - definition

A combination of guzzle and slurp, often used in the context of consuming cum.

Chris loves a good gurping session.

👍193 👎71

Gurped - slang

acronym for Generic Universal Role Playing System, published by the Steve Jackson Games company of Texas.

GURPS allows players to simulate action in virtually any historical or imaginary setting.

👍241 👎77


A combination of guzzle and slurp, often used in the context of consuming cum.

Chris loves a good gurping session.

👍127 👎21


An all-purpose exclamation that transcends meaning, used to greet friends, celebrate victories in video games, and inject a dose of randomness into conversations. It's the linguistic equivalent of a confetti cannon, adding a splash of fun wherever it's uttered.

*Silence*... gurp...

👍1323 👎15


high from an illicit substance

dude, we hit that yay last nite.
i was sooooo gurped!

👍167 👎57