Definder - what does the word mean?

What is gozer?

When four men pee on a woman and they "cross the streams."

There is a hooker in Vegas named Zuel who will let us do a Gozer the Gozarian on her for $50 per dude!!

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gozer meme gif

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Gozer - what is it?

To shoot your load all over her body; face, hair, tits, stomach so that it looks like the Stay Puft Marshmallow man exploded on her.

Dude, kleenex wasn't enough! I went Gozer the Gozarian on that bitch!

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What does "gozer" mean?

Bursting out the rear window of your vehicle by closing the hatch while a piece of outdoor equipment is still in the threshold

Damn I almost pulled a Gozer when I loaded that pressure washer.

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Gozer - what does it mean?

A hot woman, usually a stripper, who ends up being a crazy psychotic bitch. From the movie Ghostbusters, Gozer the Gozerian was an evil shapes-shifter that showed up as a sexy, scantilly clad woman.

A guy may want to date a woman he's met, and his friend will warn him "Watch out, she's a Gozer."

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Gozer - meaning

An ancient, demonic, Sumerian god. Also known as Gozer the Gozerian; the Destructor; the Traveler; the Destroyer.

Gozer was very big in Sumeria. Big guy. - Ghostbusters

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