Definder - what does the word mean?

What is got you in the pipe?

You’d probably heard this if your a Valkyrie main in apex, aka ape sex. It means you’re being perfectly lined up with, or aimed at by enemy weapons like missile, or large artilleries.

Viper: I’ve got you in the pipe, copper, five-by-five.
BT-7274: I sensed sarcasm.

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got you in the pipe - video


Got you in the pipe - what is it?

Maybe you’ve heard ‘viper’s got you in the pipe, tuve-by-five’ if you play ape sex(apex). Got you in the pipe means you are being aimed at accurately, or perfectly lined up(with missile or weapons like that)

Viper: viper’s got you in the pipe!
Jack cooper: I’m gonna kill you and then your daughter.

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