Definder - what does the word mean?

What is gnatt?

( Verb)Phrase meaning great or really good

Comes from the perception or idea of how tight a gnats ass would be if someone would be able to insert (blank) in it

Man that girls shit was tight like gnatt booty

👍63 👎15

gnatt - meme gif

gnatt meme gif

gnatt - video


Gnatt - what is it?

Gnatt an act usually done by teenagers

But without actually having sexual intercourse. Just very long kisssess etc

Bro we had Gnatt at the movies

👍25 👎11

What does "gnatt" mean?

An annoying little (fictive) being that makes life especialy difficult for Croquet players as well as all life forms in general. The Gnatt is also very short tempered (see: hockey-temper) and can bite and claw any innocent passer-by to death. No gnatts have been properly documented, but they can resemble an angry lepricorn. Can also be used as a word for anything negative or as an insult.

Anything/Anyone small and annoying is a gnatt or simply just gnatt.

👍43 👎21