Definder - what does the word mean?

What is girfriend's?

Worse than ur mom gay, ur dad lesbian, ur brother a mother, ur sister a mister and all the others combined.

James: ur mom gay
Mike: don't make me do it.
James: do it u pussy.
Mike: ur girfriend a bell end
James proceeds to collapse into a black hole and everything in the universe is consumed by the james hole. Mikes soul is now in a higher realm of knowledge and understanding, where nth dimensional beings coexist within eachother.

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girfriend's - meme gif

girfriend's meme gif

girfriend's - video


Girfriend's - what is it?

A man who goes from dating girl to girl. If they get in a fight, or the girl does not give the man a certain thing ( ie. sex, kisses) The man will dump the girl and have a new one within a week.
also known as a player.

" Oh look, Joe broke up with Jane. I wonder who he'll go for next ? "
" yeah , he's suck a Girfriend Cleptomaniac "

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What does "girfriend's" mean?

A girfriend is what happens when you try to type "girfriend" but your fingers are trembling from anxiety so you type "girfriend" instead

Oh yeah I have a girfriend. But she goes to a different school so you don't know her. Pls retweet

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