Definder - what does the word mean?

What is gilets jaunes?

A new type of hyppie cocksucking bastard who doesn't know why he fights.
See also: bonobo, angry monkey

Man this guy is such a gilet jaune

👍31 👎25

gilets jaunes - video


Gilets jaunes - what is it?

Means "yellow vests". It is a protest movement that started in France (and spread to some neighbouring countries), against the fuel price increases on 17th November 2018. As of 5th of December, 4 civilians have died because of it. It is not a simple matter. With disheartening frequency in these kinds of movements, the initial legitimate democratic requests of the real people have been tarnished because of the introduction of violence.
I'm unhappy with the state the world's in at the moment.

I wonder how I'd feel about the gilets jaunes if I were a charming little Frenchman.

👍35 👎17