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What is giggler?

a females vibrating toy

tina keeps waving her High performance giggler pin in my face

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Giggler - what is it?

A homosexual/ A man who mongles cock/ and is a swashbuggler of nut sacks/ railing a man in the butt, and then he farts, making him giggle.

Dude, he is not your boyfriend, he couldn't even use Butt Gigglers in a sentence./ He is a massive Butt Giggler.

👍47 👎21

What does "giggler" mean?

A novelty prophylactic shaped like a medieval jester's hat, complete with bells. Nomenclature inspired by the French Tickler, a similar device.

"I put a quarter in the machine hoping for a lemon-flavored condom, but I got this faggy-ass Dutch Giggler instead."

👍41 👎17

Giggler - what does it mean?

Snuggle Giggler

Of bitch nigga origin
Weak and frail individual both mentally and physically.

Chris committed a crime with the homies then turned on them when they got caught because he's a snuggle giggling ass hoe!

Snuggle Giggler is a weak minded non back bone having ass bitch!

👍35 👎13

Giggler - meaning

Any woman who claims to be "such a huge fan" of any male comedian, but the sad reality is they just want to have sex with him.

"I so love the Mighty Boosh", said the groupie giggler, conveniently masking the all-too-plain fact that she doesn't care two shits about their lame student humour, she just wants to shag Noel Fielding.

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Giggler - definition

Someone who giggles uncontrollably while embarking upon an oakland face mask

"yo, I was gonna dump her - until I found out she's an Oakland Giggler. Now I cant see enough of her!"

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Giggler - slang

In any card game, particularly texas holdem, when a player holds a "6" and a "9". One can't help to laugh inside, or giggle when presented with this wonderful opportunity.

The flop was 5,7,8 and i was praying he wasn't holding the giggler on me.

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No one is quite sure what he's laughing at, but as soon as the office has finally become quiet you can count on hearing his high-pitched tee hee hee

Some think the giggler has discovered the Warn button on Instant Messenger and this is the source of his joy.

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another word for pussy tickler or soul patch

my giggler made for a fun nightfor my hunny;)

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Someone who is daft, idiotic, or criminally insane.

That guy's a total giggler; he was all but drooling.

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