Definder - what does the word mean?

What is giffer's?

An old person. Usually an old man. Usually UK slang, can be used against the younger generation.

"You coming out drinking tonight Matt?"

"No, I'm tired from work. Gonna take a nap and chill"

"Don't be such an old Giffer, come out drinking"

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giffer's - meme gif

giffer's meme gif

giffer's - video


Giffer's - what is it?

someone that mucks about

"stop being a giffer gaffer and get your bum over here"

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What does "giffer's" mean?

Meaning Girlfriend:

a noun derived from the common truncation of Girl Friend to GF, and then written phonetically as: Giff + er (to form an agent noun).

Dan: "What are you doing this weekend? Want to drink?"
John: "Shit, I can't! I have to have dinner with the giffer's parents."
Dan: "Bummer dude. I hear Sally's dad is ex-navy-seals, hope you make it out alive"

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Giffer's - what does it mean?

A drunk, middle aged female orgy seeker

"you mother is a giffer!!!"

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Giffer's - meaning

Someone who doesnt fit into a catergory, i.e mod or a punk, skinhead or whatever.

someone who has had their family and is still going out and "having it large" at the weekend.
Also incorporates the new music genre "Giffer Punk" started by the band Long Tall Shorty.

are you are mod? no, im a GIFFER!

If it aint GIFFER, it aint worth a f*ck!!!!

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Giffer's - definition

One that creates and/or displays a gif on social media.

Bob is a really good giffer on social media.

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Giffer's - slang

description of a cap wearing old person (victor meldrew)a cross between git and duffer.

sod off you old giffer

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