Definder - what does the word mean?

What is gerhard?

To give in to advances (typically sexual) and harassment (typically sexual) in order to "make it go away."

"Are you in today or are you Gerharding?"

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Gerhard - what is it?

the most amazing cute and adorable person ever. the best boyfriend possible, always sweet and so supportive. may think they’re ugly but they are definitely not. believed they will accomplish nothing in life when they have so much potential and will become something great. may have been treated poorly but once you fix this man he’ll always love you, you won’t regret it.

wow, see that cutie? that must be gerhard

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What does "gerhard" mean?

A very famous girl who is smart at making honest boys fall in love. After which she removes the boy's heart and then eats it.
The boy usually Feels intolerable pain. The pain usually lasts a few weeks. Sometimes a julia gerhard will repeat the process as many as 5 times a year until the boy finally gets the picture or feels destroyed. Julia gerhards are also known as "man-eaters"
Side affects due to loss of heart include: Hate, Sadness, Depression.

- Dude why have you been sad for so long?
-This girl that i thought was mine pulled a Julia Gerhard on me.
-WOW! really? Thats terrible!

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Gerhard - what does it mean?

Another Pro-Russian cunt, along with Karl Nehammer, who hates Romania and Bulgaria. Racist fuck who opposes Schegen accession of the two European countries to the border free area. Also minister of the interior (home affairs) of Austria

Damn, Gerhard Karner is suck an slimy Austrian fuck! He vetoes Romania and Bulgaria to Schengen like his cunt counterpart, Karl Nehammer.

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Gerhard - meaning

The resultant by product of the cross contamination of the jock and nerd chromosomes. He enjoys playing football, preferably Rugby Union while carrying the perpetual laws of physics in his headgear.
He enjoys copious amounts of alcohol while studying the effects of alcohol on the human body for biology. All in all Gerhard Fourie is the Isaac Newton of the South Africans.

"According to Newton's Law of Momentum p=mv,
I will be transferring 100 kg x 4 m/s = 400 kg ms^-1 of momentum into the tackler, schquare"-Gerhard Fourie while playing football

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Gerhard - definition

The act of blowing semen into a chick's lung.

Dude, you should have seen the ho I Gerharded last night.

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Gerhard - slang

The most amazing guy you'll ever meet. If you meet him you'll want to hold onto him for a lifetime and never let go. He's always got something to say to make a girl feel special. He's super cute and always sweet. A good kisser. Best baseball player ever.

Girl: look at that cute guy!

othergirl: he's a Gerhard

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Definition: When you ask someone for help, but they always say they are too busy to assist even though you never actually see them do any work.

Background: Corporate America - A guy at work (we all have them) who always says he is 'working 130%' yet you never see him doing anything.

"I asked for the very important, much needed info for the new project, but was Gerharded."

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Used in South-Africa to describe how someone is a wimp, coward or just a dumb coward.

I can't believe that John is such a gerhard, he cried the whole time during that scary movie.

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